Culture Shlock
Words Between Friends
Episode 5: Letters from “A Hairy Situation in the East”, “Halloween for the 99 Percent” & “Ungrateful Girlfriend”

Episode 5: Letters from “A Hairy Situation in the East”, “Halloween for the 99 Percent” & “Ungrateful Girlfriend”

In this episode Malcolm and Kurt do their best to unpack letters to Ann Landers, Carolyn Hax, Dear Prudence and more, offering our pointed critiques of the following:

  • “A Hairy Situation in the East” who doesn’t know how to communicate to his loving girlfriend that he’s freaked out that she doesn’t shave her legs or armpits“

  • Halloween for the 99 Percent” who asks Prudence’s advice for discouraging low-income trick-or-treaters from invading their posh neighborhood on Halloween

  • An ungrateful girlfriend who wants to know if Carolyn Hax thinks she’s being petty by complaining about her boyfriend’s self-serving birthday and Christmas gifts 

And so much more!

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Culture Shlock
Words Between Friends
Malcolm Fleschner's award-winning (well, award-*won* anyway) humor column