Culture Shlock
Words Between Friends
Episode 6: A Young Boy’s Worrisome Pokemon Fetish, a Car-Stealing Boss, an “Awkward” Polyamory Situation — and much more!

Episode 6: A Young Boy’s Worrisome Pokemon Fetish, a Car-Stealing Boss, an “Awkward” Polyamory Situation — and much more!

In this episode Malcolm and Kurt wrestle with a wide range of issues, including:

  • How — and if — a dad should intervene with his son who appears to be developing a sexual attraction for Pokemon

  • What to do when you get fired after calling the police on your boss for stealing your car

  • How to extricate oneself from an ex-boyfriend’s mom who won’t stop calling and making uncomfortable demands

  • Whether there’s any way to introduce multiple polyamory partners to one’s extended family without awkwardness

  • How to handle a boss who puts masking tape over the lips of employees who offer up “bad ideas” during staff meetings

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Culture Shlock
Words Between Friends
Malcolm Fleschner's award-winning (well, award-*won* anyway) humor column